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Chapter 5 - Publicly Verifiable, Non-interactive Arguments via Fiat-Shamir

5.1 The Random Oracle Model (ROM)

You should read the definition of Random Oracle Model here

5.2 The Fiat-Shamir Transformation

You should read the definition of Fiat-Shamir Transformation here

5.3 Security of the Transformation

When the Fiat-Shamir transformation is applied to a constant-round IP or argument \(I\) with negligible soundness error, the resulting \(Q\) in ROM is sound against cheating provers that run in polynomial time. Specifically, if an interactive proof \(I\) for a language \(L\) satisfies a property called round-by-round soundness then \(Q\) is sound in the ROM.

5.3.1 “Bits Of Security”: Statistical vs. Computational

In chapter 4, we have seen that interactive protocols can satisfy statistical (i.e., information-theoretic) security. The logarithm of the soundness error \((log(\delta _ s))\) of these protocols is the number of bits of statistical security.

For non-interactive argument, the security level is measured by the amount of work that must be done to find a convincing “proof” of a false statement. The logarithm of this amount of work is the number of bits of computational security.

In many succinct interactive arguments, there are many properties that adversaries cannot break a cryptographic primitive (e.g., cannot find a collision in a collision-resistant hash function) and also cannot convince the verifier to accept a false statement with probability more than \(2^{-s}\). Here, \(s\) is the number of bits of interactive security.

Appropriate security levels for interactive vs. non-interactive arguments.

Non-interactive arguments are generally recommended to be deployed with at least \(100\) or \(128\) bits of computational security. In contrast, it may be appropriate in some contexts to set statistical or interactive security levels lower.

For example, suppose that an IP runs at \(60\) bits of interactive security, this means that each attempt attack succeeds with a probability at most \(2^{-60}\). So after \(2^{30}\) attempt attacks, the probability that any of the attempts succeed is at most \(2^{-60} * 2^{30} = 2^{-30}\). The verifier, of course, will not continue interacting with a prover who has attempted attacks \(2^{30}\) times. Moreover, launching \(2^{30}\) attacks takes a significant amount of time. So for IP in this context, \(60\) bits is sufficient.

In contrast, suppose that a non-interactive argument runs at \(60\) bits of interactive security. So cheating prover only needs to try about \(2^{60}\) first messages before getting lucky. When applying Fiat-Shamir transformation, the computational bottleneck in this attack may be simply performing \(2^{60}\) hash
evaluations. However, in 2020, a bitcoin miners can perform \(2^{80}\) SHA-256 evaluations every 18 hours; hence, attacking in this manner is entirely feasible for modern computers.

5.3.2 Soundness in the Random Oracle Model for Constant-Round Protocols

Theorem 5.1: Let \(I\) be a constant-round IP or argument with negligible soundness error, and let \(Q\) be the non-interactive protocol in the random oracle model obtained by applying the Fiat-Shamir transformation to \(I\). Then \(Q\) has negligible computational soundness error. That is, no prover running in polynomial time can convince the verifier in \(Q\) of a false statement with non-negligible probability.

5.3.3 Fiat-Shamir Preserves Knowledge-Soundness in the Random Oracle Model

In Section 7.4, we will be concerned with a strengthening of soundness called knowledge-soundness that is relevant when the prover is claiming to know a witness satisfying a specified property.

In the ROM, the Fiat-Shamir transformation preserves knowledge-soundness. For example:

  • Section 9.2: Fiat-Shamir transformation preserves knowledge-soundness when apply to succinct arguments obtained from PCPs and IOPs.
  • Section 12.2: The transformation is applied to \(\sum\)-protocols.

Fiat-Shamir in the Plain Model

When the concrete hash function \(h\) is chosen at random from a hash family \(H\) satisfying CI, instantiating the Fiat-Shamir transformation in the plain model results in a sound argument.

What is correlation-intractability (CI)?

You should read the definition here.

Recent results constructing CI hash families

It is plausible that cryptographic hash families used in practice actually satisfy the relevant notions of correlation-intractability.
