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Round-by-round Soundness

A protocol \(I\) for a language \(L\) satisfies round-by-round soundness if the following properties hold:

  • At any stage of any execution of \(I\), there is a well-defined state and some states are “doomed”. Once the protocol \(I\) is in a doomed state, it will (except with negligible probability) forever remain doomed.
  • If \(x \notin L\) then the initial state is doomed.
  • If at the end of the interaction the state is doomed, then the verifier will reject.

Canetti et al.CHH+19 showed that any interactive proof based on sum-check protocol satisfy round-by-round soundness, and hence applying the Fiat-Shamir transformation to it yields a non-interactive proof that is secure in the ROM.
