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Uniqueness of Multilinear Extension


Any function \(f: \{0, 1\}^v → F\) has a unique multilinear extension (MLE) over \(F\).


To show that there is a unique MLE \(f\). We show that if there are two multilinear polynomials over \(F\): \(p(x)\) = \(q(x)\) for all \(x \in F^v\), then \(p\) and \(q\) are in fact the same polynomial. Equivalently, we want to show that the polynomial \(h = p - q\) is identically 0.

We see that \(h\) is also multilinear and an \(h(x) = 0\) for all \(x \in F^v\) (*)

We assume that \(h\) is not the identically zero polynomial. Then, we consider term \(t\) in \(h\) which has minimal degree. For example, if \(h(x_1,x_2, x_3) = x_1x_2x_3 + 2x_1x_2\) then \(t\) is \(2x_1x_2\) (degree 2). We also consider the input \(z\) obtained by setting all of the variables in \(t\) to 1, and all other variables to 0 ( \(z = (1, 1, 0)\) in the example). Thus, \(t\) is non-zero.

However, for another terms (term \(t'\)), they must include at least one variable which is not in \(t\) (if not, \(t'\) would either be the same as \(t\) or have lower degree). So, \(t'\) is zero.

Therefore, \(h(z) \ne 0\), which conflicts with (*). So, the assumption does not exist.
