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Tate Pairing


Consider the following functions, defined via their divisors:

  • \(F_P = n [P] - n [O]\), where \(n\) is the order of \(G1\), i.e., \(n P = O\) for any \(P\)
  • \(F_Q = n [Q] - n [O]\)
  • \(g = [P + Q] - [P] - [Q] + [O]\)

Now, let’s examine the product \(F_P \cdot F_Q \cdot g^n\). The divisor is: \(n [P] - n [O] + n [Q] - n [O] + n [P + Q] - n [P] - n [Q] + n [O]\) which simplifies neatly to: \(n [P + Q] - n [O]\)

Notice that this divisor is of exactly the same format as the divisor for \(F_P\) and \(F_Q\) above. Hence, \(F_P \cdot F_Q\cdot g^n = F_{P + Q}\).

Now, we introduce a procedure called the “final exponentiation” step, where we take the result of our functions above ( \(F_P, F_Q\), etc.) and raise it to the power \(z = (p^{12} - 1) / n\), where \(p^{12} - 1\) is the order of the multiplicative group in \(F_{p^{12}}\) (i.e., for any \(x \in F_{p^{12}}, x^{(p^{12} - 1)} = 1\)). Notice that if you apply this exponentiation to any result that has already been raised to the power of \(n\), you get an exponentiation to the power of \(p^{12} - 1\), so the result turns into 1. Hence, after final exponentiation, \(g^n\) cancels out, and we get \(F_P^z \cdot F_Q^z = F_{P + Q}^z\).

For an implementation of a modified version of the Tate pairing, called the optimal Ate pairing. The code implements Miller’s algorithm, which is needed to actually compute \(F_P\).
