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Prime Or Finite Fields


A prime field \(\mathbb{F}_p\) consists of the set of numbers \(0, 1, 2, \ldots, p-1\), where \(p\) is prime, and the various operations are defined as follows:

  • \(a + b: (a + b) \pmod p\)
  • \(a * b: (a * b) \pmod p\)
  • \(a - b: (a - b) \pmod p\)
  • \(a / b: (a * b^{p-2}) \pmod p\)

In essence, all mathematical operations are performed modulo \(p\).

Multiplicative Group

For an informal explanation, \(G\) is a list of powers of some “generator” value.

For example, in the finite field \(F_{17}\), if we choose 4 as the generator, then \(G = \lbrace 1, 4, 16, 13 \rbrace\). The reason is that:

  • \(4^0 = 1\)
  • \(4^1 = 4\)
  • \(4^2=16\)
  • \(4^3= 64 \equiv 13\) (mod 17)

Multiplicate group is cyclic. Its proof can be found in here

Order of The Multiplicative Group

Given a positive integer \(n\) and an integer \(a\) coprime to \(n\), the multiplicative order of \(a\) modulo \(n\) is the smallest positive integer \(k\) such that \(a^k ≡ 1 \pmod n\)

According to the Fermat’s little theorem \(k = n-1\) with \(n\) is a prime number.

Why Choose Prime Fields

Prime Fields Vs Real Numbers

The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra guarantees that complex numbers, being a quadratic extension of real numbers, are “complete” and cannot be further extended with new elements satisfying algebraic relationships. However, with prime fields, such limitations do not exist, allowing for cubic extensions and higher-order extensions. Elliptic curve pairings are constructed using these supercharged modular complex numbers derived from such extensions.

In simpler terms:


While we cannot find the root of \(f(x) = \sqrt{-1}\) using real numbers, we can achieve this using complex numbers or prime fields.
