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Kate Commitment (KZG)

In response to the challenges posed in the polynomial commitment context, the Kate Commitment (KZG) scheme is introduced.

To prove that \(P(z) = a\), the approach involves proving that \(Q = \frac{P(x) - a}{x - z}\) is a polynomial.

The trusted-setup procedure generates a set of elliptic curve points \(G, G \cdot s, G \cdot s^2, \ldots, G \cdot s^n\), along with \(G_2 \cdot s\), where \(G\) and \(G_2\) represent the generators of two elliptic curve groups. Importantly, the secret \(s\) is forgotten after the setup is completed. These points are disclosed and collectively considered as the “proving key” of the scheme. Any party requiring a polynomial commitment must use these points.


A commitment to a polynomial of degree \(d\) involves multiplying each of the first \(d+1\) points in the proving key by the corresponding coefficient in the polynomial and summing the results.

For instance, \(x^3 + 2x^2+5\) is represented by \((G \cdot s^3) + 2 \cdot (G \cdot s^2) + 5 \cdot G\).

This representation provides an “evaluation” of the polynomial at \(s\), without revealing \(s\).

The notation \([P]\) is used to denote \(P\) encoded in this manner (i.e., \(G \cdot P(s)\) ). Elliptic curve pairings can be used to check that \(e([P] - G \cdot a, G_2) = e([Q], [x] - G_2 \cdot z)\) as a means of verifying \(P(x) - a = Q(x) \cdot (x - z)\).
