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IVC – Incrementally Verifiable Computation: allows us to do proofs for long computations with relatively little memory. A function \(F\) is iterated for many times, generate a proof for each time that proves the computation to this point is correct.

IVC helps to break a long computation into a series of small identical steps that significantly reduces the prover memory requirements.

Core Idea of IVC

With initial input \(z_0\), an IVC schema allows a prover to produce a proof \(\Pi _ i\) for the statement \(z _ i = F ^ {(i)}(z _ 0)\) given a proof \(\Pi _ {i-1}\) for the statement \(z _ {i-1} = F ^ {(i-1)} (z _ 0)\).

Informally, at step \(n\), prover computes a new state \(z_n\) and a proof \(\Pi_n\) that proves prover has a witness \((z _ {n-1}, w _ n, \Pi _ {n-1})\) such that \(z_n\) is correct relative to the previous state \(z _ {n-1}\) and the proof \(\Pi _ {n-1}\) is correct relative to the previous state \(z _ {n-1}\).

Then, verifier only needs to verify only one proof \(\Pi_n\).


Notice that: \(z_n = F^{(n)}(z_0)\) is the output of IVC. An IVC scheme satisfies succinctness if the size of the IVC proof \(\Pi\) does not grow with the number of applications \(n\).
