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GKR Protocol

1 The GKR Protocol and Its Costs

First, \(V\) and \(P\) agree on a arithmetic circuit \(C\), and the goal is to compute the value of the output gate(\(s\)) of \(C\).

Let \(S\) is the size (number of gates) of \(C\) and \(n\) is number of variables. They key feature of GKR protocol is that the \(P\) runs in time poly(\(S\)), and the cost to the verifier is \(O(dlogS)\), which \(d\) is the deep of \(C\), and only logarithmically with \(S\).

2 Protocol Overview

Suppose that \(C\) has depth \(d\), and number the layer from 0 to \(d\) with layer \(d\) referring to the input layer, and layer 0 referring to the output layer.

The first message, \(P\) tells \(V\) the (claimed) output(\(s\)) of the circuit. The protocol then works its way in iterations towards the input layer, with one iteration devoted to each layer.

The first iteration uses a sum-check protocol to reduce this claim about the outputs of the circuit to a claim about the gate values at layer 2, and so on. Eventually, \(V\) is left with a claim about the inputs to the circuit, and \(V\) can check this claim without any help.

3 Protocol Details

Let \(S_i\) denote the number of gates at layer \(i\) of the circuit \(C\). Assume \(S_i\) is power of 2 and \(S_i = 2^{k_i}\). So, number the gate at layer \(i\) from 0 to \(S_i - 1\), and let \(W_i : \{0, 1\}^{k_i} \rightarrow F\) denote the function that takes as input a binary gate label, and outputs the corresponding gate’s value at layer \(i\).



Let \(in_{1,i}, in_{2,i}\) denote functions that if gate \(a\) at layer \(i\) compute the sum of gates \(b\) and \(c\) at layer \(i + 1\) then \(in_{1,i}(a) = b, in_{2,i}(a) = c\). Denote two function:

  • \(add_i\) , take as input \((a, b, c)\) return 1 if and only if \((b, c) = (in_{1,i}(a),in_{2,i}(a))\) and gate \(a\) is addition.
  • \(mult_i\) is the same, but gate \(a\) is multiplication.

For example, which the Figure above, \(mult_0\) evaluates to 1 on the following inputs: \((0,(0,0),(0,1))\) and \((1,(1,0),(1,1))\) and evaluates to 0 for all others.

Detailed Description

The symbol \(\tilde f\) means the MLE of the function \(f\).

The GKR protocol consists of \(d\) iterations, one for each layer of the circuit. Each iteration \(i\) starts with \(P\) claiming a value for \(\tilde W_i(r_i)\) for some point in \(r_i \in F^{k_i}\).

At the start of the first iteration, let \(D: \{0, 1\}^{k_0} \rightarrow F\) denote the function that maps the label of an output gate to the claimed value of that output. Then verifier can pick a random point \(r_0 \in F^{k_0}\) and check if \(\tilde D(r_0) = \tilde W_0(r_0)\) (i.e., if the MLE of the claimed outputs equals the MLE of the correct outputs when evaluated at a randomly chosen point), then it is safe for the verifier to believe that all of the claimed outputs are correct. But to evaluate \(\tilde W_0(r_0)\), verifier need to claim about \(\tilde W_1\), and so on.

Applying the Sum-Check Protocol

Lemma: We have an explicit expression for \(\tilde W\):

\[ \begin{aligned} \tilde W_i(z) = \sum_{b, c \in \{0, 1\}^{k_{i+1}}} \tilde{add_i}(z, b, c) (\tilde W_{i +1}(b)+\tilde W_{i +1}(c)) + \tilde{mult_i}(z, b, c) (\tilde W_{i +1}(b)\cdot\tilde W_{i +1}(c)) \end{aligned} \]

Description of the GKR protocol

  1. At the start of the protocol, \(P\) sends a function \(D: \{0,1\}^{k_0} \rightarrow F\) claimed to equal \(W_0\).
  2. \(V\) picks a random \(r_0 \in F^{k0}\) and lets \(m_0 \leftarrow \tilde D(r_0)\). The remainder of the protocol is devoted to confirming that \(m_0 = \tilde W_0(r_0)\).
  3. For \(i = 0, 1, ..., d-1\):
    • Define the \((2k_{i+1})\)-variate polynomial: \(f_{r_i}^{(i)}(b,c):=\tilde{add_i}(r_i, b, c)(\tilde W_{i +1}(b)+\tilde W_{i +1}(c))+\tilde{mult_i}(r_i,b,c)(\tilde W_{i +1}(b) \cdot\tilde W_{i+1}(c))\)
    • P claims that \(\sum_{b,c \in \{0,1\}^{k_{i+1}}} f_{r_i}^{(i)}(b,c) = m_i\).
    • So that \(V\) may check this claim, \(P\) and \(V\) apply the sum-check protocol to \(f_{r_i}^{(i)}\), up until \(V’s\) final check in that protocol, when \(V\) must evaluate \(f_{r_i}^{(i)}\) at randomly chosen point \((b^∗,c^∗) \in F^{k_{i+1}} \times F^{k_{i+1}}\).
    • Let \(l\) be the unique line satisfying \(l(0) = b^∗\) and \(l(1) = c^∗\). \(P\) sends a univariate polynomial \(q\) of degree at most \(k_{i+1}\) to \(V\), claimed to equal \(\tilde W_{i+1}\) restricted to \(l\).
    • \(V\) now performs the final check in the sum-check protocol, using \(q(0)\) and \(q(1)\) instead of \(\tilde W_{i+1}(b^∗)\) and \(\tilde W_{i+1}(c^∗)\).
    • \(V\) chooses \(r^∗ \in F\) at random and sets \(r_{i+1} = l(r^∗)\) and \(m_{i+1} \leftarrow q(r^*)\) (for details, see Section 4.5.2).
    • To evaluate \(\tilde{add _ i}(r _ i, b^ * , c^ * )\), \(\tilde{mult _ i}(r _ i, b^ * , c^ * )\), we can do it in polylogarithmic time. We will discuss this in Section 4.6.6.
  4. \(V\) checks directly that \(m_d = \tilde W_d(r_d)\) using VSBW13. Note that \(\tilde W_d\) is the MLE of input \(x\), and \(V\) can compute it in \(O(n)\), which \(n\) is the size of the input.

Example: Compute \(\tilde W\) in a circuit over \(F_5\) consisting entirely of multiplication gates compute_w

4 Discussion of Costs and Soundness

V’s runtime

  • The total communication cost is \(O(S_0 + dlogS)\), where \(S_0\) is the number of outputs.
  • The time cost to \(V\) is \(O(n + dlogS + t + S_0)\), where:
  • \(t\) is the amount of time required for \(V\) to evaluate \(\tilde{add_i}, \tilde{mult_i}\) for each layer \(i\).
  • \(n\) is the time required to evaluate \(\tilde W_d(r_d)\).
  • \(S_0\) is the time required to read the vector of claimed outputs and evaluate the corresponding MLE.
  • \(dlogS\) is the time required for \(V\) to send messages to \(P\) and process and check the messages from \(P\).

P’s runtime

Round complexity and communication cost

  • \(O(dlogS)\) rounds.

Soundness error

  • The soundness error is: \(O(dlog(S)/|F|)\).

5 Evaluating \(\tilde {add}_i\) and \(\tilde {mult}_i\) Efficiently

The issue of the verifier efficiently evaluating \(\tilde {add} _ i\) and \(\tilde {mult} _ i\) at a random point \(\omega \in F^{k _ i+2k _ {i+1}}\) is a tricky one.

The papers CMT12, Tha13 show that the evaluation can be computed in \(O(k_i + k_{i+1}) = O(logS)\) time for a variety of common wiring patterns and specific circuits. For the circuits where \(\tilde {add}_i\) and \(\tilde {mult}_i\) cannot be evaluated in time sublinear in the circuit size \(S\) leverages cryptography, there is a cryptographic primitive called a polynomial commitment scheme to force the prover to accurately evaluate \(\tilde {add}_i\) and \(\tilde {mult}_i\) on its behalf.
