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Folding Scheme

Intuitively, a folding scheme for a relation \(R\) is a protocol that reduces the task of checking two instances in \(R\) to the task of checking a single instance in \(R\).

For example, we want to compress two instances \(x_1, x_2\) with witnesses \(w_1, w_2\) to a single instance \(x\) with witness \(w\).

It meets both completeness and knowledge soundness requirements:

  • If \(w_1, w_2\) are correct, then the new witness \(w\) is correct.
  • If the new witness \(w\) is correct for the folded instance \(x\), then the original witnesses \(w _ 1, w _ 2\) for the initial instances \(x _ 1, x _ 2\) can be extracted.
