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Fiat Shamir


The purpose of Fiat-Shamir transform is to take any IP or argument \(I\) and transform it into a non-interactive, publicly verifiable protocol \(Q\) in the ROM.


The Fiat-Shamir replaces verifier’s messages from IP with a value derived from the random oracle. Specifically, in round \(i\), the value is determined by querying the random oracle, where the query point is the list of messages sent by the prover in rounds \(1,...,i\).

Example: (the value \(x\) will be discussed later)


So, the verifier does not need to send any information to the prover, and the prover sends a transcript of the entire protocol (i.e., a list of all messages exchanged by the prover in the IP, and the value derived from the random oracle).

A Concrete Optimization

Fiat-Shamir is often implemented using a technique called: hash chaining. This means that, instead of calculating \(r_i\) by hashing all the preceding prover messages: \(g_1,...g_i\), it chooses \(r_i\) to be hash only of \((x, i, r_{i-1}, g_i)\).

Avoiding a Common Vulnerability

For the Fiat-Shamir transformation to be secure in settings where an adversary can choose the input \(x\) to the IP or argument, it is essential that \(x\) be appended to the list that is hashed in each round.

For example, in the GKR protocol, the verifier \(V\) completely ignores the input \(x \in \mathbb{F}^n\) until the final check in the protocol, when \(V\) checks that the MLE \(\tilde x\) of \(x\) evaluated at randomly chosen point \(r\) equals some value \(c\) derived from previous rounds. Now, to pass the final check, the adversary can choose any input \(x \in \mathbb{F}^n\) such that \(\tilde x(r) = c\) (such an input \(\tilde x\) can be identified in linear time). The transcript convinces the verifier to accept the claim that \(C(x) = y\). Yet there is no guarantee that \(C(x) = y\), as \(x\) may be an arbitrary input satisfying \(\tilde x(r) = c\). \ In contrast, if \(x\) is appended to the list that is hashed in each round, the \(V\) can use it to check whether \(x\) in each round is the same. Then, \(V\) can believe that \(x\) is the real input.
