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Correlation-Intractability (CI)

A hash function family \(H\) is called correlation-intractable if given a random function from \(H\), for all sparse relations, it is hard to find an input-output pair that satisfies the relation.


Let denote a relation \(R(a, b)\). A hash family \(H\) satisfies CI for \(R\) if it is computationally infeasible (given a hash function \(h \leftarrow H\)) to find a pair \((y, h(y))\) such that \(R(y, h(y))\) is true.


Suppose \(I\) is an IP for a language \(L\) such that \(I\) satisfies round-by-round soundness .\ Let \(R\) denote the relation capturing “success” of a cheating prover for the Fiat-Shamir transformation \(Q\) of \(I\).\ So, we define \(R(a, b) = true\) if \((a, b) = (y, h(y))\) such that \(y = h(x, g_1,...,g_i)\) with \(x \notin L\). For any \(h(y)\) in \(R\), \(I\) is in a doomed state at the start of round \(i\), but enters a non-doomed state if verifier sends \(h(y)\) at this round.

A cheating prover in the Fiat-Shamir protocol \(Q\) must find some pair \((y,h(y))\) satisfying property \(R\) to find a convincing “proof” of membership in \(L\) for some \(x \notin L\). If \(H\) satisfies CI for \(R\), then no polynomial time cheating prover can find a convincing proof of a false statement with non-negligible probability.
