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Commitment scheme

In a commitment scheme, there are two parties, a committer and a verifier. The committer wishes to bind itself to a message without revealing the message to the verifier. That is, once the committer sends a commitment to some message \(m\), it should be unable to “open” to the commitment to any value other than \(m\) (this property is called binding). But at the same time the commitment itself should not reveal information about \(m\) to the verifier (this is called hiding). I highly recommend you watch this video to clearly understand these two properties.

Formally, a commitment scheme is specified by three algorithms, \(KeyGen\), \(Commit\), and \(Verify\). \(KeyGen\) is a randomized algorithm that generates a commitment key \(ck\) and a verification key \(vk\) that are available to the committer and the verifier respectively (if all keys are public then \(ck\) = \(vk\)), while \(Commit\) is a randomized algorithm that takes as input the committing key \(ck\) and the message \(m\) to be committed and outputs the commitment \(c\), as well as possibly extra “opening information” \(d\) that the committer may hold onto and only reveal during the verification procedure. \(Verify\) takes as input the commitment, the verification key, and a claimed message \(m'\) provided by the committer, and any opening information \(d\) and decides whether to accept \(m\) as a valid opening of the commitment. See the diagram below for a better visualization.

flowchart TD
    subgraph Setup
        A[KeyGen: Generates ck for committer]
        B[KeyGen: Generates vk for verifier]
    subgraph Committer
        C["Commit: Generates (c, d) using m"]
    subgraph Verifier
        D["Verify: Checks commitment validity with (c, d), vk and m"]
    A -->|ck| C
    B -->|vk| D
    C --> E("(c, d)")
    E -->|d| D
    D -->|Decision| F[Accept or Reject]

A commitment scheme is correct if \(Verify(vk,Commit(m, ck),m)\) accepts with probability \(1\), for any \(m\) (i.e., an honest committer can always successfully open the commitment to the value that was committed). A commitment scheme is perfectly hiding if the distribution of the commitment \(Commit(m, ck)\) is independent of \(m\). Finally, a commitment scheme is computationally binding if it require exorbitant computational power to find some \(d', m' \neq m\) such that \(Verify(vk,(c,d),m) = Verify(vk,(c,d'),m') = 1\).

One crucial type of commitment scheme that you will often see is polynomial commitment scheme.
