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Barycentric equation


For a given set of pairs \((x_1;y_1), (x_2; y_2), ..., (x_N; y_N)\), let \(P(x)\) be the polynomial such that \(P(x_i) = y_i \ \forall i=1,...,N\). Usually, to evaluate \(P(x)\) at an arbitrary point, we can interpolate \(P(x)\) using Lagrange interpolation in \(O(N^2)\) time in general case, and in \(O(Nlog_2N)\) in special cases. Alternatively, utilizing the barycentric formula allows for direct evaluation of \(P(x)\) in \(O(N)\) time, with pre-computed time complexity of \(O(N^2)\) in the general case. For example, if \(P(x)\) is a degree-100 polynomial, you can use the evaluations \(P(0), P(1), ..., P(100)\) to compute \(P(101)\), or \(P(12042003)\), without ever reconstructing the polynomial.

General Technique

From Lagrange interpolation, we have \(P(x) = \sum_{i}{y_i L_i(x)}\). Let us denote:

  • \(d_i=\prod_{j \neq i}{(x_i - x_j)}\)
  • \(M(x) = \prod_{i}{x-x_i}\)

We can now express \(L_i(x)\) as \(\dfrac{M(x)}{d_i(x-x_i)}\) for \((x \neq x_i)\). It takes \(O(N^2)\) time to compute all \(d_i\), \(O(N)\) time for \(M(x)\) and \(L_i(x)\). Hence, the expression:

\[ P(x) = M(x) * \sum_{i}{\frac{y_i}{d_i(x-x_i)}} \]

can be computed in \(O(N)\) time if we cache the results of \(d_i\).

Special Case: Roots of Unity

In case our points are \(1, \omega, \omega^2, ..., \omega^{N-1}\) where \(\omega^N = 1\) is a root of unity and \(N\) is a power of two, we don’t need to pre-compute the \(d_i\) anymore. We can rewrite \(d_i\) as follows:

\[ d_i = \prod_{0 \leq j \neq i < N}{(\omega^i - \omega^j)} \]

Notice that \(\omega^{\frac{N}{2}} = -1\). We can re-express the above as:

\[ \begin{aligned} d_i & = (\omega^i - \omega^{i + \frac{N}{2}}) * \prod_{0 \leq j \neq i < \frac{N}{2}}{(\omega^i-\omega^j)( \omega^i-\omega^{j+\frac{N}{2}})} \\ \\ & = 2\omega^i * \prod_{0 \leq j \neq i < \frac{N}{2}}{(\omega^{2i}-\omega^{2j})} \end{aligned} \]

Repeat this, and we have:

\[ d_i = 2\omega^i * 2\omega^{2i} * \prod_{0 \leq j \neq i < \frac{N}{4}}{(\omega^{4i}-\omega^{4j})} \]

Keep repeating, and we get:

\[ \begin{aligned} d_i & = 2\omega^i * 2\omega^{2i} * 2\omega^{4i} * ... * 2\omega^{\frac{N}{2}i} \\ \\ &= 2^{log_2(N)} * \omega^{(1+2+...+\frac{N}{2})i} \\ \\ &= N * \omega^{(N-1)i}\\ \\ &= \frac{N}{\omega^i} \end{aligned} \]

Additionally, note that \(M(x)=\prod_{i}{x - \omega^i}\) simply becomes \(x^N-1\), so the entire calculation simplifies down to:

\[ P(x) = \frac{x^N-1}{N} * \sum_{i}{\frac{y_i * \omega^i}{x-\omega^i}} \]
