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ZK-Rollups after EIP-4844



EIP-4844 (or Proto-Danksharding) is the backbone of the Ethereum Dencun upgrade. This upgrade focuses on Layer 2 scalability by introducing blob transactions and blob data, resulting in significantly reduced storage costs and gas fees.

Here are a few important points of EIP-4844 from ZK-Rollups’ perspective:

  • Data can now be stored in blobs, which contain \(4096\) chunks of \(32\) bytes each.
  • The execution layer (which can be understood as similar to smart contract) only can access to the versioned hashes of the KZG commitments of data in the blobs.
  • The KZG commitment will be automatically calculated, and we can use the blobhash opcode to get the versioned hash to verify the commitment.
  • BLS12-381 modulus is used in the KZG commitment.
  • The reason we couldn’t simply generate a commitment by hashing the data blob is because we can’t prove any properties of the data blob without revealing the whole thing.

KZG Commitments of Blob Data

The function \(f\) is defined as the Lagrange polynomial:

\[ \begin{aligned} f(\omega^i) = d_i \end{aligned} \]

where \(\omega^{4096} = 1\) is a root of unity of order \(4096\), and \(d_i\) define the data points in blob. This function is then committed using KZG.

Point Evaluation Precompile

The EIP4844 introduces a new precompile at Bytes20(0x0A) that is designed to allow users to open the commitment to a blob. Below is the pseudocode copied from EIP-4844 specs.

def point_evaluation_precompile(input: Bytes) -> Bytes:
    Verify p(z) = y given commitment that corresponds to the polynomial p(x) and a KZG proof.
    Also verify that the provided commitment matches the provided versioned_hash.
    # The data is encoded as follows: versioned_hash | z | y | commitment | proof | with z and y being padded 32 byte big endian values
    assert len(input) == 192
    versioned_hash = input[:32]
    z = input[32:64]
    y = input[64:96]
    commitment = input[96:144]
    proof = input[144:192]

    # Verify commitment matches versioned_hash
    assert kzg_to_versioned_hash(commitment) == versioned_hash

    # Verify KZG proof with z and y in big endian format
    assert verify_kzg_proof(commitment, z, y, proof)

    # Return FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_BLOB and BLS_MODULUS as padded 32 byte big endian values
    return Bytes(U256(FIELD_ELEMENTS_PER_BLOB).to_be_bytes32() + U256(BLS_MODULUS).to_be_bytes32())

def kzg_to_versioned_hash(commitment: KZGCommitment) -> VersionedHash:
    return VERSIONED_HASH_VERSION_KZG + sha256(commitment)[1:]

The point_evaluation_precompile(versioned_hash, z, y, kzg_commitment, proof) receives a versioned hash, the KZG commitment to the blob, and a KZG opening proof for point \(z\) and value \(y\) as input. It verifies that kzg_commitment corresponds to the versioned_hash provided and that the opening proof is valid (i.e. \(f(z) =y\)).

Blob Consistency Check

Since rollup contract only can access to versioned hash instead of the raw transaction data (which was previously included as calldata), the main challenge we face is proving that \(f\) indeed represents exactly the raw transaction data using circuits. That is, we need to prove that our internal commitment scheme and KZG commit to the same function \(f\) (can be called proof of equivalence). There is an easy approach in the case where the ZK rollup is BLS12-381 based, and a moderately harder approach for arbitrary ZK-SNARKs.

With BLS12-381 Modulus

Given two polynomial commitments \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) over the same field (but not the same scheme, e.g. they could be KZG and FRI, or both KZG but with different trusted setup), here is the protocol:

  1. Let \(x = hash(C_1, C_2)\) (based on Fiat-Shamir heuristic)
  2. Compute \(y = f(x)\)
  3. Generate proof \(\pi_1\), that proves \(y = f(x)\) with respect to \(C_1\)
  4. Generate proof \(\pi_2\), that proves \(y = f(x)\) with respect to \(C_2\)

The prover sends \(C_1,C_2,y,\pi_1, \pi_2\). The verifier accepts if \(y = f(hash(C_1,C_2))\) and the proofs \(\pi_1\) and \(\pi_2\) verify. This technique was summarized by Vitalik here.

With Any ZK-SNARKs

We also choose \(x\) as in previous section, and evaluate barycentric equation \(f(x) = \dfrac{x^N}{N} \cdot \sum_{i}{\dfrac{d_i \cdot \omega^i}{x - \omega^i}}\) at our random \(x\). This evaluation has to be done over BLS12-381 in our circuit using non-native field arithmetic.

Proof of Concept

Here is a PoC that implemented by Scroll. This implementation uses the BN254 modulus as native field, barycentric equation, along with non-native field arithmetic from Halo2’s crates to create the circuit.

How To Send Blob Transactions

To embed your data into a blob, you must convert it into byte format and use kzg4844.Blob to store it (kzg4844.Blob is essentially [131072]byte). Then, calculate the KZG commitment and KZG proof to create a sidecar from these values.

import (

var Blob kzg4844.Blob
// Embed your data into the blob here

// Compute the commitment for the blob data using KZG4844
BlobCommitment, err := kzg4844.BlobToCommitment(Blob)

// Compute the proof for the blob data, which will be used to verify the transaction
BlobProof, err := kzg4844.ComputeBlobProof(Blob, BlobCommitment)

// Prepare the sidecar data for the transaction, which includes the blob and its cryptographic proof
sidecar := types.BlobTxSidecar{
  Blobs: []kzg4844.Blob{Blob},
  Commitments: []kzg4844.Commitment{BlobCommitment},
  Proofs: []kzg4844.Proof{BlobProof},

Finally, send the transaction.

txData = &types.BlobTx{
    /// another fields
    BlobHashes: sidecar.BlobHashes(),
    Sidecar:    sidecar,
// sign and send
signedTx, err := TransactOpts.Signer(fromAddress, types.NewTx(txData))
err = ethclient.Client.SendTransaction(context, signedTx)

The pseudocode above is for illustration purposes only. Here is a more complete implementation.

How To Verify The Commitment

Assume that in the verify function, we want to check whether the parameter blobKZGProof is consistent with the underlying blob. We can first use the blobhash opcode to get the versioned hash of the blob, then use point_evaluation_precompile() to verify the consistency as shown below.

/// Memory layout of `blobKZGProof`:
/// | z       | y       | kzg_commitment | kzg_proof |
/// |---------|---------|----------------|-----------|
/// | bytes32 | bytes32 | bytes48        | bytes48   |
function verify(
    bytes calldata blobKZGProof
) external {
    // Calculate the versioned hash of blobs[0]
    bytes32 _blobVersionedHash = blobhash(0);

    // Call the point evaluation precompile to ensure that `blobKZGProof` corresponds to the blob data.
        (bool success, bytes memory data) = POINT_EVALUATION_PRECOMPILE_ADDR.staticcall(
            abi.encodePacked(_blobVersionedHash, blobKZGProof)
        // Verify that the point evaluation precompile call was successful by testing that the latter 32 bytes of the
        // response are equal to BLS_MODULUS as defined in
        if (!success) revert ErrorCallPointEvaluationPrecompileFailed();
        (, uint256 result) = abi.decode(data, (uint256, uint256));
        if (result != BLS_MODULUS) revert ErrorUnexpectedPointEvaluationPrecompileOutput();

After this, you can start verifying the blob consistency check.