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ZkPorter: Revolutionizing Layer 2 Scaling

For a more in-depth exploration, refer to the detailed blog post on ZkPorter here and a video overview here.


Leveraging the properties of zero-knowledge proofs (zkp), ZkPorter ensures that the output is tamper-proof. The challenge lies in where to store the proofs. Sending them to the mainnet is limited by block size, prompting the creation of a new network to save proof data.

Why ZkPorter?

The need for enhanced scalability arises from the anticipation of increased financial activity, trading volumes, and the emergence of new use cases. The exponential growth in gas fees underscores the urgency for scalable solutions.

Gas Fee Growth

The Promise of ZkPorter

ZkPorter presents a scalable solution to tackle challenges stemming from existing limitations in gas fees.

ZkPorter Scalability

The Solution: zkRollup and ZkPorter

Understanding zkRollup

To grasp ZkPorter’s solution, it’s crucial to comprehend how zkRollup operates. Data is structured as leaves of a Merkle Tree, with the root hash stored on the Ethereum smart contract. When data changes, a new root, accompanied by a proof, must be submitted to the Ethereum contract. However, the contract retains only the root, while the complete data is stored in calldata calldata. This method faces constraints due to the block size limit, thereby restricting the size of the calldata and making scaling to thousands of transactions challenging.

zkRollup State 1

ZkPorter’s Innovative Approach

ZkPorter addresses scalability challenges by eliminating the need to push data as calldata to the blockchain, thereby bypassing block size limitations.

ZkPorter State

zkRollup State 2

  • ZkPorter stores data on a distinct network known as Guardians (managed by zkSync Token holders), with only the zkPorter’s root saved as calldata on Ethereum.
  • In case of issues with ZkPorter, the zkRollup remains unaffected.
  • Contracts and accounts on both zkRollup and zkPorter sides seamlessly interact.

Comparison between zkRollup and zkPorter

zkRollup zkPorter
Data availability on-chain off-chain
Security 5* 4*
Transparent x x
Transaction Fee 1/100th of L1 ~0.01$

Possible Attacks

ZkPorter safeguards against potential attacks, ensuring network integrity:

  • If \(\frac{1}{3}\) of the network is malicious, it becomes unable to produce any more blocks.

Malicious Attack

  • With \(\frac{2}{3}\) malicious actors, ZkPorter accounts, including attackers’, are frozen, preventing further damage.

Malicious Attack 1
