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PLONK: Permutations over Lagrange-Bases for Oecumenical Noninteractive Knowledge

Reference: PLONK Blog Post

PLONK Overview


Problem Statement

Consider the polynomial \(P(x) = x^3 + x + 5\), which evaluates to \(35\).

Gates and Constraints

In the context of gates and wires, PLONK introduces two main types of constraints:

  • Gate Constraints: Equations between wires connected to the same gate, such as \(a_1 \cdot b_1 = c_1\).
  • Copy Constraints: Assertions about the equality of different wires anywhere in the circuit, like \(a_0 = a_1 = b_1 = b_2 = a_3\) or \(c_0 = a_1\).

Gates and Constraints

Linear Systems

The linear systems are represented as equations of the form:

\[ \begin{aligned} (Q_{L_i})a_i + (Q_{R_i})b_i + (Q_{O_i})c_i + (Q_{M_i})a_{i}b_{i} + Q_{C_i} = 0 \end{aligned} \]

Here, \(L\) denotes left, \(R\) denotes right, \(O\) denotes output, \(M\) denotes multiplication, and \(C\) denotes a constant. The variables \(a_i\), \(b_i\), and \(c_i\) are provided by the user.

The gate constraints are categorized into three sets:

  1. Addition Gate: \(Q_{L_i} = 1, Q_{R_i} = 1, Q_{M_i} = 0, Q_{O_i} = -1, Q_{C_i} = 0\)
  2. Multiplication Gate: \(Q_{L_i} = 0, Q_{R_i} = 0, Q_{M_i} = 1, Q_{O_i} = -1, Q_{C_i} = 0\)
  3. Constant Gate: \(Q_{L_i} = 1, Q_{R_i} = 0, Q_{M_i} = 0, Q_{O_i} = 0, Q_{C_i} = -x\)


Using Lagrange Interpolation, constants in the linear systems are converted into corresponding polynomials:

\[ \begin{aligned} Q_L (x)a (x) + Q_R (x)b (x) + Q_O (x)c (x) + Q_M (x)a (x)b (x) + Q_C (x) = 0 \end{aligned} \]

Roots of Unity

The n-th roots of unity are employed, where \(x^n = 1\).

You can read about two context that used roots of unity it here.

Copy Constraints

To verify copy constraints, equations such as \(a(5) = c(7)\) and \(c(10) = c(12)\), PLONK uses coordinate accumulators. Two accumulators are created, one with \(X(x) = x\) and \(Y(x) = a(x)\), and the other with \(Y(x) = a(x)\), but \(X'(x)\) is a polynomial that evaluates permutations, flipping, or rearranging values in each copy constraint.

To prove constraints between \(a\), \(b\), and \(c\), we use the same procedure, but instead “accumulate” together points from all three polynomials. We assign each of \(a\), \(b\), \(c\) a range of \(X\) coordinates (e.g. \(a\) gets \(X_a(x) = x\) i.e. \(0...n - 1\), \(b\) gets \(X_b(x) = n + x, i.e., n...2n - 1\), \(c\) gets \(X_c(x) = 2n + x\), i.e., \(2n…3n – 1\)). To prove copy constraints that hop between different sets of wires, the “alternate” X coordinates would be slices of a permutation across all three sets. For example, if we want to prove \(a(2) = b(4)\) with \(n = 5\), then \(X'_a(x)\) would have evaluations \(\{0,1,9,3,4\}\) and \(X'_b(x)\) would have evaluations \(\{5,6,7,8,2\}\) (notice the \(2\) and \(9\) flipped where \(9\) corresponds to the \(b_4\) wire). Often \(X'_a(x), X'_b(x)\), and \(X'_c(x)\) are also called \(\sigma_a(x), \sigma_b(x)\), and \(\sigma_c(x)\).

We would then instead of checking equality within one run of the procedure (i.e., checking \(p(4) = p'(4)\)) as before, we would check the product of the three different runs on each side: \(p_a(n) \cdot p_b(n) \cdot p_c(n) = p'_a(n) \cdot p'_ b(n) \cdot p'_c(n)\).

The product of the three \(p_n\) evaluations on each side accumulates all coordinate pairs in the \(a,b\) and \(c\) runs on each side together so this allows us to do the same check as before except that we can now check copy constraints not just between positions within one of three sets or wires a, b, or c but also between one set or wires and another (e.g., as in \(a(2) = b(4)\)).

Putting it All Together

The final equations include the following:

\(P_a(wx) - P_a(x)(v_1 + x + v_2a(x)) = Z(x)H_1(x)\)

\(P_a'(wx) - P_a'(x)(v_1 + \sigma_a(x) + v_2a(x)) = Z(x)H_2(x)\)

\(P_b(wx) - P_b(x)(v_1 + gx + v_2b(x)) = Z(x)H_3(x)\)

\(P_b'(wx) - P_b'(x)(v_1 + \sigma_b(x) + v_2b(x)) = Z(x)H_4(x)\)

\(P_c(wx) - P_c(x)(v_1 + g^2 x + v_2 c(x)) = Z(x)H_5(x)\)

\(P_c'(wx) - P_c'(x)(v_1 + \sigma_c(x) + v_2c(x)) = Z(x)H_6(x)\)

And the protocol ensures that:

\(P_a(1) = P_b(1) = P_c(1) = P_a'(1) = P_b'(1) = P_c'(1) = 1\) \(P_a(w^n)P_b(w^n)P_c(w^n) = P_a'(w^n)P_b'(w^n)P_c'(w^n)\).

Polynomial Commitments

The polynomials above are big. So the next question is, how do we get around this so we can make the proof short?

The answer is to use polynomial commitments
