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Non-Native Field Arithmetic



Sometimes, we want to represent modulo arithmetic with prime modulus \(p\) over our prime finite field \(\mathbb{F}_n\) . It’s called non-native field arithmetic (or some other names like foreign field, mismatched field, non-aligned field, wrong field). Below are a few use cases:

  • For ZK-Rollups after EIP-4844: After EIP-4844, this operation is required for proof systems that do not use BLS12-381 modulus to deal with blob transaction.
  • Verify cryptographic constructs: at the protocol level, it is common to verify cryptographic constructs (hashes, signatures, proofs) that may be defined over an arbitrary field (\(\mathbb{F}_2, \mathbb{F}_q, ...\)) inside our field \(\mathbb{F}_n\).
  • Proof aggregation: merge multiple proofs and create a single proof from them to save resource.

In this article, we will take advantage of Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) to solve the problem.


We are interested in building a circuit for \(a \cdot b \pmod p\) over our field \(\mathbb{F}_n\) (the same for \(a+b\) with our trick). Typically, a witness \((a,b,r,q,p)\) is produced and the integer constraint \(a \cdot b - p \cdot q - r = 0\) is included as part of the polynomial commitment.

We need to avoid the computation of \(a \cdot b\) or \(p \cdot q\), because it is inefficient to compute them if \(p\) is a large prime number.

For simplicity, we can assume that \(n < p\).

Non-native Field Arithmetic with CRT

Constraint Decomposition with Limbs

In the following, we will work in modulus \(2^T\), where \(p < 2^T\). We denote \(p' = -p \mod 2^T\), or more concrete \(p' = 2^T - p\). It is easy to see that \(a \cdot b - p \cdot q \equiv a \cdot b + p' \cdot q \pmod{2^T}\).

Assume that \(T \mid 4\) , we will write our integers in binary notation as a concatenation of multiple bit subsections, sometimes called limbs.

Consider limbs of size \(B = T / 4\), then an integer \(a \in \lbrack 0, 2^T)\) could be written as \(4\) limbs: \(a = \lbrack a_3, a_2, a_1, a_0\rbrack\) with \(a_i \in \lbrack 0, 2^B)\) and \(a = \sum\limits_{0 \leq i < 4}{a_i \cdot 2^{iB}}\) . Given \(a,b,q,p' \in \lbrack 0, 2^T)\), we can rewrite the equation \(a \cdot b + p' \cdot q\) as follow:

\[ \begin{aligned} a \cdot b + p' \cdot q & = \lbrack a_3, a_2, a_1, a_0\rbrack \cdot \lbrack b_3, b_2, b_1, b_0\rbrack + \lbrack p'_ 3, p'_ 2, p'_ 1, p'_ 0\rbrack \cdot \lbrack q_3, q_2, q_1, q_0\rbrack \\ & =(a_{0}\cdot b_{0}+q_{0}\cdot p_{0}^{\prime})\cdot2^{0B}+ \\ & \quad \ (a_{1}\cdot b_{0}+a_{0}\cdot b_{1}+q_{1}\cdot p_{0}^{\prime}+q_{0}\cdot p_{1}^{\prime})\cdot2^{1B}+ \\ & \quad \ (a_{2}\cdot b_{0}+a_{0}\cdot b_{2}+a_{1}\cdot b_{1}+q_{2}\cdot p_{0}^{\prime}+q_{0}\cdot p_{2}^{\prime}+q_{1}\cdot p_ {1}^{\prime})\cdot2^{2B}+ \\ & \quad \ (a_{3}\cdot b_{0}+a_{0}\cdot b_{3}+a_{1}\cdot b_{2}+a_{2}\cdot b_{1}+q_{3}\cdot p_{0}^{\prime}+q_{0}\cdot p_{3}^{\prime}+q_ {1}\cdot p_{2}^{\prime}+q_{2}\cdot p_{1}^{\prime})\cdot2^{3B} \\ & =t_{0}\cdot2^{0B}+t_{1}\cdot2^{1B}+t_{2}\cdot2^{2B}+t_{3}\cdot2^{3B} \end{aligned} \]

We can ignore \(a_i \cdot b_j\) with \(i+j \geq 4\) because it is divisible by \(2^T = 2^{4B}\). Now we have:

\[ \begin{array}{l} {{t_{0}\in\lbrack 0,2^{2B+1})\mathrm{}}}\\ {{t_{1}\in\lbrack 0,2^{2B+2})\mathrm{}}}\\ {{t_{2}\in\lbrack 0,2^{2B+3})\mathrm{}}}\\ {{t_{3}\in\lbrack 0,2^{2B+3})\mathrm{}}}\end{array} \]

Let \(t = t_{0}\cdot2^{0B}+t_{1}\cdot2^{1B}+t_{2}\cdot2^{2B}+t_{3}\cdot2^{3B}\). Note that \(t\) itself does not need to be less than \(2^T\). Thus, if \(a \cdot b + p' \cdot q = r \mod 2^T\), it is not guaranteed that \(t = r\). However, the last \(T\) bits of \(t\) are certainly going to equal \(r\) (the reason why we choose \(2^T\) as our modulus).


With \(r = \lbrack r_3, r_2, r_1, r_0\rbrack\), we have \(r_0\) is the last \(B\) bits of \(y_0 = t_0 + 0\), i.e \(y_0-r_0 = z_0 \cdot 2^B\) for some non-negative \(z_0\). Similarly, \(r_1\) is the last \(B\) bits of \(y_1 = t_1 + z_0\) with \(y_1 - r_1 = z_1 \cdot 2^B\). We can write the all the limbs of \(r\) in a similar fashion:

\[ \begin{array}{l l} {{y_{0}=t_{0}+0,}}&{{y_{0}-r_{0}=z_{0}\cdot2^{B}}}\\ {{y_{1}=t_{1}+z_{0},}}&{{y_{1}-r_{1}=z_{1}\cdot2^{B}}}\\ {{y_{2}=t_{2}+z_{1},}}&{{y_{2}-r_{2}=z_{2}\cdot2^{B}}}\\ {{y_{2}=t_{3}+z_{2},}}&{{y_{3}-r_{3}=z_{3}\cdot2^{B}}} \end{array} \]

Removing the intermediate variables \(y_i\), we get:

\[ \begin{array}{l} {{t_{0}+0-r_{0}=z_{0}\cdot2^{B}}}\\ {{t_{1}+z_{0}-r_{1}=z_{1}\cdot2^{B}}}\\ {{t_{2}+z_{1}-r_{2}=z_{2}\cdot2^{B}}}\\ {{t_{3}+z_{2}-r_{3}=z_{3}\cdot2^{B}}} \end{array} \]

To summarize, for a given \((\lbrack a_3,a_2,a_1,a_0\rbrack, \lbrack b_3, b_2, b_1, b_0\rbrack, \lbrack p'_3, p'_2, p'_1, p'_0\rbrack, \lbrack q_3, q_2, q_1, q_0\rbrack, \lbrack r_3,r_2,r_1,r_0\rbrack,t_3,t_2,t_1,t_0, z_3,z_2,z_1,z_0)\) that satisfies the 4 constraints above, along with constraints that ensure \(p'=2^T-p\) (notice that \(p\) is an odd prime)

\[ \begin{array}{l} {{p_{0}^{\prime}+p_{0}+0=2^{B}}}\\ {{p_{1}^{\prime}+p_{1}+1=2^{B}}}\\ {{p_{2}^{\prime}+p_{2}+1=2^{B}}}\\ {{p_{3}^{\prime}+p_{3}+1=2^{B}}} \end{array} \]

it is guaranteed that \(a \cdot b - q \cdot p - r = 0 \mod 2^T\) (but not \(a \cdot b - q \cdot p - r = 0\) on their own).

Constraints in Our Native Field

Next, we will consider a method to ensure \(a \cdot b - q \cdot p - r = 0 \mod n\). We denote some new variables \(\lbrace a_n, b_n, q_n, p_n, r_n\rbrace \ s.t.\ a_n = a \mod n\) etc., respectively. Now, we have more constraints with advice variables \(\lbrace v_a, v_b, v_q, v_p, v_r, v_ {overall}\rbrace\)

\[ \begin{array} {c}{{v_{a}\cdot n+a_{n}=a}}\\ {{v_{b}\cdot n+b_{n}=b}}\\ {{v_{q}\cdot n+q_{n}=q}}\\ {{v_{p}\cdot n+p_{n}=p}}\\ {{v_{r}\cdot n+r_{n}=r}} \\ v_{overall} \cdot n = a_n \cdot b_n - q_n \cdot p_n - r_n \end{array} \]

Because \(a,b,q,p,r\) are not fit in our native field, we need to decompose them into their limbs. For a given \((a,b,q,p,r,v_a, v_b, v_q, v_p, v_r, v_{overall})\) that follow the 6 constraints above, it is guaranteed that \(a \cdot b - q \cdot p - r = 0 \mod n\), but not \(a \cdot b - q \cdot p - r = 0\).

Applying the Chinese Remainder Theorem

Now we have \(a \cdot b - q \cdot p - r = 0 \mod n\) and \(a \cdot b - q \cdot p - r = 0 \mod 2^T\), which implies that \(a \cdot b - q \cdot p - r = 0 \mod (n \cdot 2^T)\) by our CRT. If we choose \(T\) such that \(a \cdot b - q \cdot p - r < p^2 < n \cdot 2^T\), then it means that \(a \cdot b - q \cdot p - r = 0\). Note that we should choose \(T\) such that \(t_3 < n\) to be able to represent all our numbers in our native field \(\mathbb{F}_n\).

Range check using lookup argument

When decomposing an element into its limbs, we need to perform a range check \(a_i \in [0, 2^B) \forall i\), which can be done quickly using lookup argument (e.g., Plookup). For example, with \(B = 64\), we can create a lookup table \(t = \lbrace 0, 1, ..., 2^8-1\rbrace\), and add the following constraints to ensure an element \(x\) is in \([0, 2^B)\):

\[ \begin{aligned} \lbrace x_0, x_1, \ldots, x_7\rbrace \in t \\ \sum_{i=0}^7 x_i * 2^{7i} = x \end{aligned} \]
