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DARK: Diophantine Argument of Knowledge



Integer Commitment Scheme

DARK uses Damgard-Fujisaki integer commitment scheme, you can read the full paper of it here. This scheme can implement the summation protocol and multiplication protocol. That is, we can prove that \(a + b = c\) and \(a \cdot b = c\) using \(com(a),com(b), com(c)\).

For example, a prover has some values \(x_1, x_2, x_3, x_{4}\) and wants to prove that \(x_4 = x_1x_2+x_3\).

  • The prover calculates \(x_5=x_1x_2\) and sends commitments of \(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4,x_5\) to the verifier.
  • The verifier checks that \(x_5=x_1x_2\) and \(x_4=x_3+x_5\) using their commitments.


Main Idea

First, you should read the definitions of diophantine equation, diophantine set.

The main idea of DARK is to prove a constraint with \(\mu\) as the witness, the prover needs to find an auxiliary witness \(\omega\), where \(R_S(\mu, \omega) = 0\) and then uses the integer commitment scheme above to commit to elements of \(R_S\).

For example, to prove \(\mu \geq 0\), the prover finds \(\omega_{1}, \omega_{2}, \omega_{3}, \omega_{4}\) such that \(R_S(\mu,\omega)=\mu - (\omega_1^2 + \omega_2^2 + \omega_3^2 + \omega_4^2)\) (see the non-negative proof below for more details). Then the prover sends \(com(\mu), com(\omega_1),com(\omega_2),com(\omega_3),com(\omega_4)\) to the verifier. The verifier checks that \(R_S(\mu,\omega)=0\) using these commitments.

To put into practical use, there are a few things to consider:

  • Compute the witness \(\omega\) in polynomial time.
  • The length of our witness has to be sub-quadratic to the length of the input \(\mu\)

Therefore, we only deal with operations that listed in section Bounded Arithmetic.

Basic Proofs


We can use the fact from Diophantine set to deal with AND/OR operations on prepositions.

Below are the basic proofs for constructing our bounded arithmetic.

Non-negative Proof

We will leverage Lagrange’s four-square theorem to prove that \(\mu \geq0\). This theorem implies that there exists \(\omega_{1},\omega_{2}, \omega_{3}, \omega_{4}\ s.t. \ \mu=\omega_{1}^{2}+\omega_ {2}^{2}+\omega_{3}^{2}+\omega_{4}^{2}\). So, the representing polynomial is simply \(R_S(\mu; \omega_1, \omega_2, \omega_3, \omega_4) = \mu - \omega_1^2- \omega_2^2-\omega_3^2- \omega_4^2\).

We can find \(\omega_{1},\omega_{2}, \omega_{3}, \omega_{4}\) as follow. If \(\mu\) is small, we can brute force over \(\omega_1,\omega_2,\omega_3\in\lbrack 0, \sqrt{\mu}\rbrack\) and calculate \(\omega_4\). If \(\mu\) is large, we can use this algorithm:

  1. We choose random \(\omega_1 \leq \sqrt{\mu},\ \omega_2 \leq \sqrt{\mu−\omega_1^2}\) so that \(p \leftarrow \mu−\omega_1^2 −\omega_2^2\) is odd.
  2. There exists a good probability that \(p\) is a prime number of the form \(4k+1\). Using Fermat’s theorem on sums of two squares, we can find \(\omega_{3},\omega_{4}\) efficiently. There are two stages: (i) find \(z\) with \(z^{2}\equiv -1 \pmod{p}\), and (ii) use \(z\) to find \(\omega_3\) and \(\omega_4\).

(i). Find \(a\) where \(a^{(p-1) / 2}\equiv-1\pmod{p}\), then \(z=a^{(p-1)/4}\). There are over half of all number \(a\) such that \(1 < a < p-1\), so taking \(a\) at random.

(ii). Now, we set \(\omega_{3}=p \mod z\) and \(\omega_{4}=z\mod \omega_3\). If \(\omega_{3}^{2}+\omega_{4}^{2} \neq p\), \(p\) is not a prime number, so repeat our algorithm again.

For example, consider \(\mu=102\). We set \(\omega_{1}=1, \omega_{2}=2\), resulting in \(p=97\). Choosing \(a=13\), we get \(z=22\). Now, \(\omega_{3}=p \mod z = 9\) and \(\omega_{4}=z\mod \omega_{3} = 4\). As expected, \(97 = 9^2+4^2\).

To be more effective, we can use the algorithm from DARK paper:

  1. Write \(\mu\) in the form \(\mu =2^t(2k +1),\) where \(t,k \geq 0\). If \(\mu\) is odd, we can pick \(\omega_ {1}=1\).
  2. If \(t = 1\), then use our previous algorithm.
  3. If \(t\) is odd but not \(1\), find a representation \((\omega'_ 1,\omega'_ {2},\omega' _ {3},\omega'_ 4)\) for \(2(2k+1)\) by step 2. Now we have \((\omega_ {1},\omega_ {2},\omega_ {3},\omega_ {4}) = (s\omega'_ 1,s\omega'_ 2,s\omega'_ 3,s\omega'_ 4)\), where \(s=2^{(t−1)/2}\).
  4. If \(t\) is even, find a representation \((\omega'_ 1,\omega'_ {2},\omega'_ {3},\omega'_ 4)\) for \(2(2k+1)\) by step 2. Group \(\omega'_ 1, \omega'_ 2, \omega'_ 3, \omega'_ 4\) so that \(\omega'_ 1 \equiv \omega'_ 2\pmod{2}\) and \(\omega'_ 3 \equiv \omega'_ {4}\pmod{2}\). Now we have \((\omega_ {1},\omega_ {2},\omega_ {3},\omega_ {4}) = ( s(\omega'_ 1 +\omega'_ 2),s(\omega'_ 1 − \omega'_ 2),s(\omega'_ 3 + \omega'_ 4),s(\omega'_ 3 − \omega'_ 4)),\) where \(s =2^{t/2−1}\).

Range Proof

To prove \(a \leq \mu \leq b\), it suffices to prove \(\mu - a \geq 0\) and \(b - \mu \geq 0\) using non-negative proof, i.e. \([a \leq \mu \leq b] \equiv [\mu - a \geq 0 \land b - \mu \geq 0]\)

Exponential Relation

Here, our goal is to prove \(\mu_3 = \mu_1^{\mu_2}\) . Below is the theorem extracted from the paper.

Theorem 3. Assume \(\mu_1 > 1, \mu_3 > 0\) and \(\mu_2 > 2\). More precisely, let \(E(\mu_1,\mu_2,\mu_3)\) be the next equation:

\[ \begin{aligned} &{[(\exists \omega_1,\omega_2,\omega_3,\omega_4,\omega_5,\omega_6)(\exists_b \omega_7,\omega_8)]} &&&\\ &[(\omega_2 = \omega_1\mu_1 −\mu^2_1 −1)\land(\omega_2 −\mu_3 −1 \geq 0)\land &&&(E1-E2) \\ &(\mu_3 −(\mu_1 −\omega_1)\omega_7 −\omega_8 = \omega_2\omega_3))\land(\omega_1 −2 \geq 0)\land &&&(E3-E4)\\ &((\omega_1 −2)^2 −(\mu_1 +2)(\omega_1 −2)\omega_5 +\omega^2_5 =1)\land &&&(E5) \\ &(\omega_1 −2=\mu_2+\omega_6(\mu_1 +2))\land(\omega_7 \geq 0)\land(\omega_7 <\omega_8)\land &&&(E6-E8)\\ &(\omega^2_7 − \omega_1\omega_7\omega_8 +\omega^2_8 =1)\land(\omega_8 = \mu_2 +\omega_4(\omega_{1} −2)],&&&(E9-E10) \end{aligned} \]

where \(\exists_b\) signifies a bounded quantifier in the following sense: if \(\mu_3 =\mu_1^{\mu_2}\) then \(E(\mu_1,\mu_2,\mu_3)\) is true with \(W = Θ(\mu_2^2log\mu_1)=o(M^2).\) On the other hand, if \(\mu_{3 \neq}\mu_1^{\mu_2}\) then either \(E(\mu_1,\mu_2,\mu_3)\) is false, or it is true but the intermediate witnesses \(\omega_7\) and \(\omega_8\) have length \(\Omega(\mu_3log\mu_3)\), which is equal to \(\Omega(2^M · M)\) in the worst case.

Basically, if \(\mu_3 = \mu_1^{\mu_2}\), we can efficiently find our witness for \(R_S\) that has sub-quadratic length. If \(\mu_3 \neq \mu_1^{\mu_2}\), either the witness for \(R_S\) does not exist, or the witness has a large length, \(\Omega(\mu_3log\mu_3)\) - which makes it impractical to use as a fake “proof” that \(\mu_3 = \mu_1^{\mu_2}\). We can also take care of edge cases like \(\mu_1=0,1, \mu_2=0,1,2,\mu_3=0\) easily with our “fact” as well. This shows that we can completely prove \(\mu_3 = \mu_1^{\mu_2}\) with DARK, zero-knowledge. The auxiliary witnesses can be calculated by below formulas:

  • \(\omega_{1} \leftarrow (\mu_1 +2)^{[\mu_2+1]} +2\)
  • \(\omega_2 \leftarrow \omega_1\mu1 − \mu_{1}^{2}-1\)
  • \(\omega_{3}\leftarrow(\mu_{3}-(\mu_{1}-\omega_{1})\omega_{1}^{[\mu_{2}]}-\omega_{1}^{[\mu_{2}+1]})/\omega_{2}\)
  • \(\omega_{4}\leftarrow(\omega_{8}-\mu_{2})/(\omega_{1}-2)\)
  • \(\omega_{5}\leftarrow(\mu_{1}+2)^{[\mu_{2}+2]}\)
  • \(\omega_{6}\leftarrow(\omega_{1}-2-\mu_{2})/\dot{(\mu_{1}+2)}\)
  • \(\omega_{7}\leftarrow\omega_{1}^{[\mu_{2}]}\)
  • \(\omega_{8}\leftarrow\omega_{1}^{[\mu_{2}+1]}\)

where \(a^{[n]}\) is calculated according to the formula \(a^{[n]}= a \cdot a^{[n-1]} - a^{[n-2]}\), with initial conditions \(a^{[0]}=0\) and \(a^{[1]}=1\). Below is the pseudo code to calculate \(a^{[n]}\) with \(O(logn)\) time complexity:

def za(a: int, n: int) -> int:
    l = int(log2(n))
    z = 1
    z_prime = 0
    for i in range(l, -1, -1):
        t = z
        if n >> i & 1:
            z = z * (a * t - z_prime * 2)
            z_prime = t * t - z_prime * z_prime
            z = t * t - z_prime * z_prime
            z_prime = z_prime * (2 * t - a * z_prime)
    return z_prime

This code is implemented based on the following identities:

  • \(a^{[2n]} = a^{[n]}(2a^{[n+1]} − a \cdot a^{[n]}) = a^{[n]}(a \cdot a^{[n]} - 2a^{[n-1]})\)
  • \(a^{[2n+1]} = (a^{[n+1]})^{2} - (a^{[n]})^{2}\)

Bounded Arithmetic

Let’s denote some new operations:

  • \(\sigma(x)=x+1\)
  • \(x \overset{.}{-} y := max(x − y,0)\)
  • \(|x| := \lfloor {log_2(x) +1} \rfloor\)
  • \(MSP(x,i) := \lfloor x/2^i\rfloor\)
  • \(x \sharp y := 2^{|x|·|y|}\)

We have following representations:

  • \(\sigma: [\mu_2 = \sigma(\mu_1)] \equiv [\mu_2 − \mu_1 − 1]\)
  • \(\leq\): proves \(b−a \geq 0\) to show \(a \leq b\).
  • \(\overset{.}{-}\): \([\mu_3 = \mu_1 \overset{.}{-} \mu_2] \equiv [((\mu_1 − \mu_2 = \mu_3) \land (\mu_1 \geq \mu_2)) \vee (\mu_3 =0\land\mu_1 <\mu_2)]\)
  • \(\lfloor x/2 \rfloor: [\mu_2 = \lfloor \mu_1/2 \rfloor ] \equiv [(\mu_1 = 2\mu_2) \vee (\mu_1 =2\mu_2 + 1)]\)
  • \(|x|: [\mu_2 = |\mu_1|] \equiv [2^{\mu_{2}-1} \leq \mu_{1} \leq 2^{\mu_2}-1]\)
  • \(MSP(x,i): [\mu_2 = MSP(\mu_1,i)] \equiv [(\mu_1 =2^i · \mu_2 + \omega \land \omega \in [0, 2i − 1])]\)
  • \(\sharp:[\mu_3 = \mu_1 \sharp\mu_2] \equiv [(\omega_1 = |\mu_1|) \land (\omega_2 = |\mu_2|) \land (\mu_3 =2^{\omega_1·\omega_2})]\)


Supersonic is a transparent SNARK with DARK as a compiler. You can read the paper here.
