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Keyless Account for Telegram


Currently, there is support for users to utilize web3 applications without managing their own public and private key pairs, and without using custodial wallets, by using their credentials directly from authentication providers like Google or Apple. This is made possible thanks to zero-knowledge (ZK) technology and account abstraction. However, the current solution (e.g., zkLogin) only supports authentication providers that offer OIDC (OpenID Connect). Providers like Telegram cannot use this, so we need to devise an alternative solution.

In this document, we will introduce the modified flow suited for Telegram.

Telegram OAuth Properties

Telegram uses the HMAC-SHA-256 signature scheme.

To integrate Telegram authentication, you need to create a bot. Each bot has a unique bot_token used by Telegram to create a valid signature for the user upon successful authorization. More details can be found in the Telegram Login Widget.

Unlike OIDC, which uses RS256 where only the authentication provider’s server can generate a valid signature, HMAC-SHA-256 allows both the authentication server and the recipient (in this case, our app) to generate valid signatures.

There is no support for custom fields as opposed to OIDC, which users can use to attach additional information to the authentication signature. This provides an easy way (as demonstrated in steps (1) and (2) in the OIDC Compatible section of the figure below) to ensure no one else can create a valid proof and link it with an arbitrary web3 account.

The Solution

Keyless Account

  1. Bot Token Creation: The first step (denoted as step 0 in the figure above) is to create a bot_token by following the Telegram instructions. Embed this token (as private) into our circuit so that the circuit can verify the hash without anyone else knowing it. Since anyone with the bot token can create a valid signature, we need to discard this information (and its hash value) as soon as we are done generating the circuit.

  2. User Information Hashing: When the user logs into Telegram successfully, Telegram will provide us with the user_info_hash, which is derived from the bot_token and the user_info.

  3. Ephemeral Key Pair Creation: The user needs to create an ephemeral key pair to interact with the blockchain. Then, hash this key pair with the received user_info_hash, creating Hash_E. This information will be put into the circuit to prevent attacks like frontrunning. Without this step, attackers could attach our proof to any ephemeral account of their choice and still pass all the checks. Use a zk-friendly hash for efficiency purposes, such as Poseidon.

  4. Circuit Verification: In the circuit, use the user_info provided by the user and combine it with the embedded Hash(bot_token) value to calculate the user_info_hash. This is done in an encrypted context (a feature provided by using ZK and Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) techniques) so no one can read it.

  5. Hash Consistency Check: The newly calculated user_info_hash is combined with the ephemeral public key provided by the user to compare with Hash_E to ensure consistency.

  6. Circuit Output: After verification, the circuit outputs the ephemeral public key, the verdict on whether the user input passes all checks, and the user info. These values can then be used in the smart contract to serve our business logic. The smart contract can trust that the ephemeral public key belongs to a user who has been authenticated by Telegram, allowing for secure interactions on the blockchain.



This definition is taken from RFC 2104:

\[ \begin{align} \operatorname{HMAC}(K, m) &= \operatorname{H}\Bigl(\bigl(K' \oplus opad\bigr) \parallel \operatorname{H} \bigl(\left(K' \oplus ipad\right) \parallel m\bigr)\Bigr) \\ K' &= \begin{cases} \operatorname{H}\left(K\right) & \text{if}\ K\text{ is larger than block size} \\ K & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{align} \]


  • \(\operatorname{H}\) is a cryptographic hash function.
  • \(m\) is the message to be authenticated.
  • \(K\) is the secret key.
  • \(K'\) is a block-sized key derived from the secret key, either by padding to the right with 0s up to the block size, or by hashing down to less than or equal to the block size first and then padding to the right with zeros.
  • \(\parallel\) denotes concatenation.
  • \(\oplus\) denotes bitwise exclusive or (XOR).
  • opad is the block-sized outer padding, consisting of repeated bytes valued 0x5c.
  • ipad is the block-sized inner padding, consisting of repeated bytes valued 0x36.


This is basically using HMAC with SHA-256 as the hash function.