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Chapter 3 - Non-Interactive Zero Knowledge of a Polynomial


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3.1. Proving Knowledge of a Polynomial

We initiate our exploration with the challenge of proving knowledge of a polynomial, gradually developing a generic approach and uncovering various properties of polynomials along the way.

Thus far, our discussions have centered on a rudimentary notion of proof, lacking mechanisms to enforce protocol rules. For instance, the prover may not necessarily be acquainted with the polynomial and could employ alternative methods to yield a correct result. Additionally, if the verifier’s polynomial evaluations have a limited amplitude, such as 10, the verifier might guess a number with a non-negligible probability of acceptance. Addressing these weaknesses becomes imperative, but first, let’s delve into what it truly means to “know” a polynomial.

3.2. Factorization

It states that any polynomial can be factored into linear polynomials as long as it is solvable. See the lagrange interpolation for more information.


\[(x - a_{0})(x - a_{1})...(x - a_{n}) = 0\]

Define p(x) as a sample polynomial, and p(x) is the multiplication of those cofactors t(x). So we have arbitrary polynomial:

\[h(x) = \frac{p(x)}{t(x)}\]

In particular:


\[p(x) = x^3 - 3x^2 + 2x\]
\[t(x) = (x-1)(x-2)\]
  • The Verifier samples a random value 23, calculates: \(t = t(23) = (23 - 1)(23 - 2) = 462\) And gives 23 to the Prover.

  • The Prover calculates \(h(x) = \frac{p(x)}{t(x)}\) and evaluates \(p = p(23) = 10626\), \(h = h(23) = 23\) And provides \(p, h\) to the Verifier.

  • The Verifier then checks that: \(p = t \cdot h = 10626 = 462 \cdot 23\)$=

If this statement holds true, it implies that the prover provided an accurate polynomial.


Prover may not know the claimed polynomial \(p(x)\) at all.

In the current protocol there is no enforcement of degree. Hence prover can cheat by using a polynomial of higher degree which also satisfies the cofactors check.

Because prover knows the random point \(x = r\), he can construct any polynomial which has one shared point at \(r\) with \(t(r) · h(r)\).

3.3 Obscure Evaluation

Due to the information revealed in its raw form, the prover possesses knowledge of both the sample random value \(r\) and its corresponding transformed value \(t(r)\), which should remain concealed. Consequently, a mechanism akin to a hash function must be employed a process that, once executed, renders it challenging to reverse-engineer the original input.

3.3.1 Homomorphic Encryption

See the Homomorphic Encryption.

3.3.2 Modular Arithmetic

See the Modular Arithmetic.

3.3.3 Strong Homomorphic Encryption

We use Modular Arithmetic for Homomorphic Encryption.

3.3.4. Encrypted Polynomial

Let’s define \(E\) : \(\(E(x) = g^{v} \pmod{n}\)\) As \(v\) is monomial of polynomial.

For example, we have: \(\(p(x) = x^{3} - 3x^{2} + 2x\)\)

In this case, with coefficients 1, -3, 2, the encrypted polynomial can be evaluated as follows:

\[ \begin{aligned} E(x^{3})^{1}E(x^{2})^{-3}E(x)^{2}= \\ (g^{x^{3}})^{1}(g^{x^{2}})^{-3}(g^{x})^{2}= \\ g^{1x^{3}-3x^{2}+2x}= \\ g^{x^{3}-3x^{2}+2x} \\ \end{aligned} \]


  • Generate a random s.
  • Calculate \(E(s^{i}) = g^{s^{i}}\): same as the example above.
  • Evaluate the target polynomial with s: t(s).
  • Provide to the Prover: \(E(s^{0}),E(s^{1}),E(s^{2}),...,E(s^{d})\).


  • Calculates \(h(x) = \frac{p(x)}{t(x)}\) we just calculate the polynomial \(h(x)\) in here.
  • Evaluates: \(E(p(s))\), \(E(h(s))=g^{h(s)}\).
  • Provides \(g^{p}\), \(g^{h}\).


  • Check that \(p=t(s) \cdot h\), meaning: \(\(g^{p} = (g^{h})^{t(s)}\)\)

If the Prover claims to have a satisfactory polynomial using only 2 powers \(s^{3}\) and \(s^{1}\), it is not possible to verify in the current protocol.

3.4. Restricting a Polynomial

The main idea to resolve above problem is to sample a random \(\alpha\), and the provider needs to calculate \(a^{,} = a^{\alpha} \pmod{n}\), then provide the tuple \((a,a^{,})\) using an elliptic curve. This ensures that the provider can’t extract \(\alpha\) from the tuple \((a,a^{,})\) through brute force, it also called Knowledge of exponent.

We can also apply this construction with the simple one-coefficient polynomial: \(\(f(x)= c \cdot x\)\)

The Verifier can now check the equality: \((a^{c})^{\alpha} = (\alpha^{,})^{c}\)

In summary:


  • Chooses 2 random s, \(\alpha\) and provides evaluations for \(x=s\) and
  • \((g^{s},g^{\alpha \cdot s})\) Prover: Applies the coefficient \(c\):
    $((g{s})c,(g^{\alpha \cdot s}){c})=(g) $},g^{\alpha \cdot s \cdot c
  • Verifier: Checks

In particular, for a degree \(3\) polynomial: \(\(p(x) = x^{3} - 3x^{2} + 2x\)\)


  • Provides encrypted: \(g^{s^{0}},g^{s^{1}}, \cdots,g^{s^{d}}\) and their shifts \(g^{\alpha s^{0}},g^{\alpha s^{1}}, \cdots,g^{\alpha s^{d}}\)


  • Evaluates the encrypted polynomial with \(s\):
\[ \begin{aligned} g^{p} = g^{p(s)} =(g^{s_{0}})^{c_{0}} \cdot (g^{s_{1}})^{c_{1}} \cdots (g^{s_{d}})^{c_{d}} \\ = g^{c_{0}s^{0} +c_{1}s^{1}+ \cdots+c_{d}s^{d} } =g^{s^{3}} \cdot g^{-3s^{2}} \cdot g^{2s}=g^{s^{3}-3s^{2}+2s} \end{aligned} \]
\[\Rightarrow g^{{p}'} = g^{\alpha (s^{3}-3s^{2}+2s)}$$ *Verifier* checks : $$(g^{p})^{\alpha}=g^{{p}'}$$ $$\Rightarrow (g^{s^{3}-3s^{2}+2s})^{\alpha} = g^{\alpha (s^{3}-3s^{2}+2s)}\]


We can be sure that the Prover did not use anything else other than the polynomial provided by the Verifier since there is no other way to preserve \(\alpha\).

The Verifier possesses the capability to exhaustively attempt a constrained set of coefficient combinations until achieving a result that matches the Prover’s response. Consequently, the protocol can no longer be classified as zero knowledge.

Moreover, the secure protocol should be secure even in cases where there is only one coefficient, and its value is 1.

3.5. Zero-Knowledge

Because the Verifier can extract knowledge about the unknown polynomial \(p(x)\) only from the data sent by the Prover. So we can shift \(g^{p}\), \((g^{p})^{\alpha}\) by a random number \(\delta\).

3.6. Non-Interactivity

Up to this point, the proof is only valid for the original Verifier because:

  • The Verifier could collude with the Prover and disclose those secret parameters \(s,\alpha\).
  • The Verifier has to store \(\alpha\) and \(t(s)\) until all relevant proofs are verified.

Hence, we need to secure the secrets \((t(s),\alpha)\), and this is where cryptographic pairing fits in.

3.6.1. Multiplication of Encrypted Values

Cryptographic pairings (bilinear map) have the core properties that can be expressed as: \(\(e(g^{a},g^{b})=e(g^{b},g^{a})=e(g^{ab},g^{1})=e(g^{1},g^{ab})=e(g^{1}, g^{a})^{b}=e(g^{1},g^{1})^{ab}= \cdots\)\)

3.6.2. Trusted Party Setup

We trust a single party to generate secrets \(s\) and \(\alpha\). As soon as \(\alpha\) and all necessary powers of \(s\) with shift are encrypted, they must be deleted. So we use a common reference string or CRS to generate these parameters.

3.6.3. Trusting One out of Many

There is no way to prove that \(\alpha\) and \(s\) are deleted. So we can generate a composite CRS by multiple parties.

In particular:

  • Alice samples her random \(s_{A}\) and \(\alpha_{A}\) and publishes her CRS: \(g^{s_{A}^{i}},g^{\alpha_{A}},g^{\alpha_{A}s_{A}^{i}}\)
  • Bob samples his \(s_{B}\) and \(\alpha_{B}\) and Alice’s CRS through homomorphic multiplication: \((g^{s_{A}^{i}})^{s_{B}^{i}},(g^ {\alpha_{A}})^{\alpha_{B}}, (g^{\alpha_{A}s_{A}^{i}})^{\alpha_{B}s_{B}^{i}}\), then publishes A-B’s CRS: \((g^{s_{AB}^{i}},g^{\alpha A B},g^{\alpha_{AB}s_{AB}^{i}})\)
  • So does with C, D, E, \(\cdots\).


The more there are unrelated participants in CRS setup, the fainter the possibility of fake proofs.

3.7. Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge of Polynomial

Denote \({s^{i}}_{i\in[d]} = s^{1},s^{2}, \cdots,s^{d}\)


  • Sample random values \(s,\alpha\)
  • Calculate \(g^{\alpha}\) and \(g^{s^{i}}\), \(g^{\alpha s^{i}}\)
  • Proving key (\(g^{s^{i}},g^{\alpha s^{i}}\))
  • Verification key: (\(g^{\alpha}\) , \(g^{t(s)}\) )


  • Assign coefficients \((c_{i})_{i \in 0,...,d}\) :

\(p(x)= c_{d}x^{d} +\cdots+ c_{1}x^{1}+c_{0}x^{0}\)

  • Calculate \(h(x)= \frac{p(x)}{t(x)}\)
  • Evaluate \(g^{p(s)}\) and \(g^{h(s)}\) using \(g^{s^{i}}\)
  • Evaluate \(g^{\alpha p(s)}\) using \(g^{\alpha s^{i}}\)
  • Sample random \(\delta\)
  • Set the randomized proof \(\pi = (g^{\delta p(s)}, g^{\delta h(s)},g^{\delta \alpha p(s)})\)



  • Parse proof \(\pi\) as \((g^{p},g^{h},g^{p'})\)
  • \(e({g^{{p}'}},g)=e(g^{p},g^{\alpha})\)
  • \(e(g^{p},g)=e(g^{t(s)},g^{h})\)


Prover can easily construct such polynomial \(p(x)\) just by multiplying \(t(x)\) by another bounded polynomial.

Verifier knows that the prover has a valid polynomial but not which particular one.
