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Chapter 12: \(\Sigma\)-Protocols and Commitments from Hardness of Discrete Logarithm

12.1 Cryptographic Background

12.1.1 A Brief Introduction to Groups

This is the definition of group.

12.1.2 The Discrete Logarithm Problem and Background on Elliptic Curves Discrete Log Problem

You should read the definition of Discrete Logarithm here Elliptic Curve Groups

You should take a look at Elliptic curve group here.

12.2 Schnorr’s \(\Sigma\)-Protocol For Knowledge of Discrete Logarithms

\(\Sigma\)-Protocol is a simple proof system that solves some specific problems:

  • Establishing that the prover has knowledge of a discrete logarithm of some group elements (Section 12.2.2).
  • Allowing the prover to cryptographically commit to group elements without revealing them to the verifier until later (Section 12.3).
  • Establishing product relationships between committed values (Section 12.3.2)

12.2.1 \(\Sigma\)-Protocols

Read the definition of relation here.

A \(\Sigma\)-protocol is a 3-message public coin protocol in which both verifier and prover know a public input \(h\), and prover knows a witness \(w\) such that \((h,w)\in R\). Let denote the three messages by \((a, e, z)\), with the prover first sending \(a\), the verifier responding with a challenge \(e\) , and the prover replying with \(z\). A \(\Sigma\)-protocol is required to satisfy perfect completeness, and two additional properties:

  • Special soundness: There exists a polynomial time algorithm \(Q\) such that, when given as input a pair of accepting transcripts \((a, e, z)\) and \((a, e',z')\) with \(e \neq e'\) , \(Q\) outputs a witness \(w\) such that \((h,w) \in R\).
  • Honest Verifier Perfect Zero-Knowledge (HVZK): There must be a randomized polynomial time simulator that takes as input the public input \(h\) from the \(\Sigma\)-protocol, and outputs a transcript \((a, e,z)\) such that the distribution over transcripts output by the simulator is identical to the distribution over transcripts produced by the honest verifier in the \(\Sigma\)-protocol interacting with the honest prover.

Remark 12.1. Special soundness implies that, the honest-verifier zero-knowledge property of \(\Sigma\)-protocols only holds if the verifier is never allowed to run the prover more than once with the same first prover message \(a\).

12.2.2 Schnorr’s \(\Sigma\)-Protocol For the Discrete Logarithm Relation

The algorithm can be presented as follows:

  1. Let \(\mathbb{G}\) be a (multiplicative) cyclic group of prime order with generator \(g\).
  2. Public input is \(h\) = \(g^w\), where only prover knows \(w\).
  3. Picks a random number \(r \in \lbrace 0,...,|\mathbb{G}| −1 \rbrace\) and sends \(a \leftarrow{} g^r\) to the verifier.
  4. Verifier responds with a random element \(e \in \lbrace 0,...,|\mathbb{G}|−1 \rbrace.\)
  5. Prover responds with \(z \leftarrow{} (we+r)\) mod \(|\mathbb{G}|\).
  6. Verifier checks that \(a.h^e = g^z\).

Perfect completeness: \(a \leftarrow g^r\) and \(z \leftarrow (we+r) \pmod{|\mathbb{G}|}\), then

\[ \begin{aligned} a \cdot h^e = g^r \cdot h^e = g^r \cdot (g^w)^e = g^{r+we} = g^z \end{aligned} \]

Special soundness: Suppose we are given two accepting transcripts \((a, e,z)\) and \((a, e' ,z')\) with \(e \neq e'\). They imply that we have \(z = we + r\) and \(z' = we' + r\), so \(w \equiv (z-z').(e-e')^{-1}\) mod \(|\mathbb{G}|\).
Honest-Verifier Perfect Zero Knowledge: The simulator selects \(e\) uniformly at random from \(\lbrace 0,...,|\mathbb{G}| −1 \rbrace\) and samples \(z\) uniformly at random from \(\lbrace 0,...,|\mathbb{G}| −1 \rbrace.\) Finally, the simulator sets \(a \leftarrow{} g^z \cdot (h^e)^{−1}\) .

12.2.3 Fiat-Shamir Applied to \(\Sigma\)-Protocols

You should read the definition of Fiat-Shamir here.

For concreteness, we couch the presentation in the context of Schnorr’s protocol. Recall that in the resulting non-interactive argument, the honest prover aims to produce an accepting transcript \((a, e,z)\) for the \(\Sigma\)-protocol, where \(e = R(h,a)\) and \(R\) denotes the random oracle. Let \(I\) refer to the \(\Sigma\)-protocol and \(Q\) refer to the non-interactive argument obtained by applying the Fiat-Shamir transformation to \(I\). Let \(P_{FS}\) be a prover for \(Q\) that produces a convincing proof on input \(h\) with probability at least \(\varepsilon\). That is, when \(P_{FS}\) is run on input \(h\), it outputs a transcript \((a, e,z)\) that, with probability at least \(\varepsilon\), is an accepting transcript for \(I\) and satisfies \(e = R(h,a)\).

The witness extraction procedure: First, fix the value of any internal randomness used by \(P_{FS}\). The first transcript is obtained by simply running \(P_{FS}\) once, generating a random value for \(R\)’s response to each query \(P_{FS}\) makes to the random oracle. This yields a transcript \((a, e,z)\) satisfying \(e = R(h,a)\) such that with probability at least \(\varepsilon\) the transcript is an accepting one for \(I\). By assumption, during this execution of \(P_{FS}\), exactly one of the \(T\) queries to \(R\) was equal to \((h,a).\) Rewind \(P_{FS}\) to just before it queries \(R\) at \((h,a)\), and change \(R\)’s response to this query from \(e\) to a fresh randomly chosen value \(e'\) . Then run \(P_{FS}\) once again to completion (again generating a random value from \(R\)’s response to each query made by \(P_{FS}\) ), and hope that \(P_{FS}\) outputs an accepting transcript of the from \((a, e' ,z' )\).

Analysis of the witness extraction procedure: The probability this procedure outputs two accepting transcripts of the form \((a, e,z)\) and \((a, e' ,z' )\) with \(e \neq e'\) is at least \(Ω(\varepsilon ^3/T^2 )\). Note that \(e\) will not equal \(e'\) with probability \(1−1/2^λ\) , where \(λ\) denotes the number of bits output by \(R\) on any query.

12.3 A Homomorphic Commitment Scheme

You should read the definition of commitment scheme here.

A Perfectly Hiding Commitment Scheme from any \(\Sigma\)-Protocol: Damgård showed how to use any \(\Sigma\)-protocol for any hard relation to obtain a perfectly hiding, computationally binding commitment scheme. To ensure hiding, Damgård’s transformation does require the simulator used to establish HVZK must be able to take as input not only the public input \(h\), but also a challenge \(e^{ * }\) , and output a transcript \((a, e^ * ,z)\).

Damgård’s Commitment Scheme

Let denote \((h,w) \leftarrow{} Gen\), and declares \(h\) to be both the committing key \(ck\) and the verification key \(vk\) (the “toxic waste” witness \(w\) must be discarded because anyone who knows \(w\) may be able to break binding of the commitment scheme). To commit to a message \(m\), the committer runs the simulator from the \(\Sigma\)-protocol on public input \(h\) to generate a transcript in which the challenge is the message \(m\). Let \((a, e,z)\) be the output of the simulator. The committer sends \(a\) as the commitment, and keeps \(e = m\) and \(z\) as opening information. In the verification stage for the commitment scheme, the committer sends the opening information \(e = m\) and \(z\) to the verifier, who uses the verification procedure of the \(\Sigma\)-protocol to confirm that \((a, e,z)\) is an accepting transcript for public input \(h\).

Pedersen Commitment Scheme

By instantiating Damgård’s construction with Schnorr’s \(\Sigma\)-protocol for the discrete logarithm relation, one recovers a well-known commitment scheme due to Pedersen. In the traditional presentation, to commit to a message \(m\), the committer picks a random exponent \(z\) in \(\lbrace 0,...,|\mathbb{G}| −1 \rbrace\) and the commitment is \(g^m \cdot h^z\) . One thinks of \(h^z\) as a random group element that operates as a “blinding factor”: by multiplying \(g^m\) by \(h^z\) , one ensures that the commitment is a random group element, statistically independent of \(m\). Below is the traditional presentation of Pedersen commitments:

Protocol 5 Standard presentation of Pedersen commitments in a cyclic group \(\mathbb{G}\) for which the Discrete Logarithm problem is intractable.

  1. Let \(\mathbb{G}\) be a (multiplicative) cyclic group of prime order. The key generation procedure publishes randomly chosen generators \(g,h \in \mathbb{G}\), which serve as both the commitment key and verification key.
  2. To commit to a number \(m \in \lbrace 0,...,|\mathbb{G}| −1 \rbrace\), committer picks a random \(z \in \lbrace 0,...,|\mathbb{G}| −1 \rbrace\) and sends \(c \leftarrow{} g^m \cdot h^z\) .
  3. To open a commitment \(c\), committer sends \((m,z)\). Verifier checks that \(c = g^m \cdot h^z\) .

Protocol 6 Commitment scheme obtained from Schnorr’s protocol via Damgård’s transformation.

  1. Let \(\mathbb{G}\) be a (multiplicative) cyclic group of prime order.
  2. The key generation procedure publishes randomly chosen generators \(g,h \in \mathbb{G}\), which serve as both the commitment key and verification key.
  3. To commit to a number \(m \in \lbrace 0,...,|\mathbb{G}| −1 \rbrace\), committer picks a random \(z \in \lbrace 0,...,|\mathbb{G}| −1 \rbrace\) and sends \(c \leftarrow{} h^{−m} \cdot g^z\)
  4. To open a commitment \(c\), committer sends \((m,z).\) Verifier checks that \(c \cdot h^m = g^z\)

12.3.1 Important Properties of Pedersen Commitments

Additive Homomorphism

This means that the verifier can take two commitments \(c_1\) and \(c_2\), to values \(m_1,m_2 \in \lbrace 0,...,|\mathbb{G}| − 1 \rbrace\) (with \(m_1,m_2\) known to the committer but not to the verifier), and the verifier on its own can derive a commitment \(c_3\) to \(m_3 := m_1 + m_2\), such that the prover is able to open \(c_3\) to \(m_3\). This is done by simply letting \(c_3 \leftarrow{} c_1 \cdot c_2\). As for “opening information” provided by the prover, if \(c_1 = h^{m_1} \cdot g^{z_1}\) and \(c_2 = h^{m_2} \cdot g^{z_2}\) , then \(c_3 = h^{m_1+m_2} \cdot g^{z_1+z_2}\), so the opening information for \(c_3\) is simply \((m_1 + m_2,z_1 + z_2).\)

Perfect HVZK Proof of Knowledge of Opening

It will be useful for the prover to prove that it knows how to open a commitment \(c\) to some value, without actually opening the commitment. Let’s see it:

Protocol 7 Zero-Knowledge Proof of Knowledge of Opening of Pedersen Commitment

  1. Let \(\mathbb{G}\) be a (multiplicative) cyclic group of prime order over which the Discrete Logarithm relation is hard, with randomly chosen generators \(g\) and \(h\).
  2. Input is \(c = g^m \cdot h^z\) . Prover knows \(m\) and \(z\), Verifier only knows \(c,g,h\).
  3. Prover picks \(d,r \in \lbrace 0,...,|\mathbb{G}| −1 \rbrace\) and sends to verifier \(a \leftarrow{} g^d \cdot h^r\).
  4. Verifier sends challenge \(e\) chosen at random from \(\lbrace 0,...,|\mathbb{G}| −1 \rbrace\).
  5. Prover sends \(m' \leftarrow{} me+d\) and \(z' \leftarrow{} ze+r\). 6. Verifier checks that \(g^{m'} \cdot h^{z'} = c^e \cdot a\).

Protocol 8 Equivalent Exposition of Protocol 7 in terms of commitments and additive homomorphism.

  1. Let \(\mathbb{G}\) be a (multiplicative) cyclic group of prime order over which the Discrete Logarithm relation is hard, with randomly chosen generators \(g\) and \(h\).
  2. Let \(Com(m,z)\) denote the Pedersen commitment \(g^m \cdot h^z\) . Prover knows \(m\) and \(z\), Verifier only knows \(Com(m,z),g,h\).
  3. Prover picks \(d,r \in \lbrace 0,...,|\mathbb{G}| −1 \rbrace\) and sends to verifier \(a \leftarrow{} Com(d,r).\)
  4. Verifier sends challenge \(e\) chosen at random from \({0,...,|\mathbb{G}| −1}.\)
  5. Let \(m' \leftarrow{} me + d\) and \(z' \leftarrow{} ze + r\), and let \(c' \leftarrow{} Com(m ' ,z ' ).\) While Verifier does not know \(m '\) and \(z '\) , Verifier can derive \(c '\) unaided from \(Com(m,z)\) and \(Com(d,r)\) using additive homomorphism: \(c'=Com(m,z)^e \cdot Com(d,r)\)
  6. Prover sends \((m ' ,z' ).\)
  7. Verifier checks that \(m' ,z'\) is valid opening information for \(c'\) , i.e., that \(g^{m'} \cdot h^{z'} = c'\) .

Perfect Completeness: \(g^{m'} \cdot h^{z'} = g^{me+d} \cdot h^{ze+r} = c^e \cdot a\)

Special Soundness: Given two accepting transcripts \((a, e,(m'_1 ,z'_1 ))\) and \((a, e',(m'_2 ,z'_2 ))\) with \(e \neq e'\) , we have to extract a valid opening \((m,z)\) for the commitment \(c\), i.e., \(g^m \cdot h^z = c\). As in the analysis of the \(\Sigma\)-protocol for the Discrete Logarithm relation, we have:

\[ \begin{aligned} m^∗ = (m'_1 −m'_2 ) \cdot (e−e')^{−1} \quad mod \quad |\mathbb{G}|, \\ z^∗ = (z'_1 −z'_2 ) \cdot (e−e')^{−1} \quad mod \quad |\mathbb{G}|. \end{aligned} \]


\[ \begin{aligned} g^{m^{*}}\cdot h^{z^ * }=\Big(g^{(m_{1}^{\prime}-m_{2}^{\prime})}h^{(z_{1}^{\prime}-z_{2}^{\prime})}\Big)^{(e-e^{\prime})^{-1}}=\Big(c^{e}\cdot a\cdot\Big(c^{e^{\prime}}\cdot a\Big)^{-1}\Big)^{(e-e^{\prime})^{-1}}=c \end{aligned} \]

where the penultimate equality follows from the fact that \((a, e,(m'_1 ,z'_1 ))\) and \((a, e',(m'_1 ,z'_1 ))\) are accepting transcripts. That is, \((m^* ,z^* )\) is a valid (message, opening information) pair for the commitment \(c\).

Perfect HVZK: The simulator samples \(e,m' ,z'\) uniformly at random from \(\lbrace 0,...,|\mathbb{G}| −1 \rbrace\) and then sets \(a \leftarrow{} g^{m'} \cdot h^{z'} \cdot c^{−e}\) and outputs (\(a, e,(m' ,z' )).\)

12.3.2 Establishing A Product Relationship Between Committed Values

Unfortunately, Pedersen commitments are not multiplicatively homomorphic: there is no way for the verifier to derive a commitment to \(m_1 \cdot m_2\) without help from the committer. But we can use a somewhat more complicated variant of the \(\Sigma\)-protocols to commit that \(c_3\) is claimed to be a commitment to value \(m_1 \cdot m_2\) without actually opening up \(c_3\) and \(m_1 \cdot m_2\).

Protocol 9 Zero-Knowledge PoK of Opening of Pedersen Commitments Satisfying Product Relationship

  1. Let \(\mathbb{G}\) be a (multiplicative) cyclic group of prime order over which the Discrete Logarithm relation is hard.
  2. Input is \(c_i = g^{m_i} \cdot h^{r_i}\) for \(i \in \lbrace 1,2,3 \rbrace\) such that \(m_3 = m_1 \cdot m_2\) mod \(|\mathbb{G}|\)
  3. Prover knows \(m_i\) and \(r_i\) for all \(i \in \lbrace 1,2,3 \rbrace,\) Verifier only knows \(c_1, c_2, c_3,g,h\).
  4. Prover picks \(b_1,...,b_5 \in \lbrace 0,...,|\mathbb{G}| −1 \rbrace\) and sends to verifier three values: \(\alpha \leftarrow{} g^{b_1} \cdot h^{b_2} , \beta \leftarrow{} g^{b_3} \cdot h^{b_4} , \gamma \leftarrow{} c_1^{b_3} \cdot h^{b_5}\) .
  5. Verifier sends challenge \(e\) chosen at random from \(\lbrace 0,...,|\mathbb{G}| −1 \rbrace\).
  6. Prover sends \(z_1 \leftarrow{} b_1 +e \cdot m_1, z_2 \leftarrow{} b_2 +e \cdot r_1, z_3 \leftarrow{} b_3 +e \cdot m_2, z_4 \leftarrow{} b_4 +e \cdot r_2, z_5 \leftarrow{} b_5 +e \cdot (r_3 −r_1m_2).\)
  7. Verifier checks that the following three equalities hold:
\[ \begin{aligned} g^{z_1} \cdot h^{z_2} = \alpha \cdot c_1^e,\\ g^{z_3} \cdot h^{z_4} = \beta \cdot c_2^e ,\\ c_1^{z_3} \cdot h^{z_5} = \gamma \cdot c_3^e \end{aligned} \]

Protocol 10 Equivalent description of Protocol 9 in terms of commitments and additive homomorphism. The notation \(Com_{g,h}(m,z) := g^mh^z\) indicates that the group generators used to produce the Pedersen commitment to \(m\) with blinding factor \(z\) are \(g\) and \(h\).

  • Let \(\mathbb{G}\) be a (multiplicative) cyclic group of prime order over which the Discrete Logarithm relation is hard.
  • Input is \(c_i = g^{m_i} \cdot h ^{r_i} = Com_{g,h}(m_i ,r_i)\) for \(i \in \lbrace 1,2,3 \rbrace\) such that \(m_3 = m_1 \cdot m_2\) mod \(|\mathbb{G}|.\)
  • Prover knows \(m_i\) and \(r_i\) for all \(i \in \lbrace 1,2,3 \rbrace,\) Verifier only knows \(c_1, c_2, c_3,g,h\).
  • Prover picks \(b_1,...,b_5 \in \lbrace 0,...,|\mathbb{G}| −1 \rbrace\) and sends to verifier three values: \(\alpha \leftarrow{} Com_{g,h}(b_1,b_2), \beta \leftarrow{} Com_{g,h}(b_3,b_4), \gamma \leftarrow{} Com_{c_1,h}(b_3,b_5).\)
  • Verifier sends challenge \(e\) chosen at random from \(\lbrace 0,...,|\mathbb{G}| −1 \rbrace.\)
  • Let \(z_1 \leftarrow{} b_1 +e \cdot m_1, z_2 \leftarrow{} b_2 +e \cdot r_1, z_3 \leftarrow{} b_3 +e \cdot m_2, z_4 \leftarrow{} b_4 +e \cdot r_2, z_5 \leftarrow{} b_5 +e \cdot (r_3 −r_1m_2).\)
  • While Verifier does not know \(z_1,...,z_5\), using additive homomorphism Verifier can derive the following three commitments unaided using additive homomorphism:
\[ \begin{aligned} c_1' = Com_{g,h}(z_1,z_2) = \alpha \cdot c_1^e , \\ c_2' = Com_{g,h}(z_3,z_4) = \beta \cdot c_2^e , \\ c_3' = Com_{c_1,h}(z_3,z_5) = \gamma \cdot c_3^e \end{aligned} \]

This final equality for \(c_3'\) exploits that:

\[ \begin{aligned} c_3^e = g^{em_1m_2} h^{er_3} = c_1^{em_2} h^{er_3−er_1m_2} = Com_{c_1,h}(em_2, er_3 −er_1m_2). \end{aligned} \]
  • Prover sends \(z_1,...,z_5.\)
  • Verifier checks that:

  • \((z_1,z_2)\) is valid opening information for \(c_1'\) using generators \(g,h\).

  • \((z_3,z_4)\) is valid opening information for \(c_2'\) using generators \(g,h\).
  • \((z_3,z_5)\) is valid opening information for \(c_3'\) using generators \(c_1,h\)


The main contribution of this chapter is that we can commit an integer without revealing it in opening phase using Pedersen Commitments Scheme. That is achieved thanks to Discrete Logarithm and property Additive Homomorphism of Pedersen Commitments.
